Estimating the Threshold of Detection on Tree Crown Defoliation Using Vegetation Indices from UAS Multispectral Imagery
Otsu, K.; Pla, M.; Duane, A.; Cardil, A.; Brotons, L. Estimating the Threshold of Detection on Tree Crown Defoliation Using ...

Quantifying pine processionary moth defoliation in a pine-oak mixed forest using unmanned aerial systems and multispectral imagery
Cardil A, Otsu K, Pla M, Silva CA, Brotons L (2019) Quantifying pine processionary moth defoliation in a pine-oak mixed ...

Monitoring opencast mine restorations using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) imagery
Padró, J. C., Carabassa, V., Balagué, J., Brotons, L., Alcañiz, J. M., & Pons, X. (2019). Monitoring opencast mine restorations ...

Uso con éxito del aeromodelismo para el seguimiento de la fauna
Sardà-Palomera, F., Sazatornil, V., Quilis, M., Sardà-Amills, F. 2009. Uso con éxito del aeromodelismo para el seguimiento de la fauna. Quercus, 286: ...

Reply to ‘a comment on the limitations of UAVs in wildlife research – the example of colonial nesting waterbirds’
Sardà?Palomera, F. , Bota, G. , Sardà, F. and Brotons, L. (2018), Reply to ‘a comment on the limitations of ...

Fine?scale bird monitoring from light unmanned aircraft systems

Unmanned aircraft systems to unravel spatial and temporal factors affecting dynamics of colony formation and nesting success in birds
Sardà?Palomera, F. , Bota, G. , Padilla, N. , Brotons, L. and Sardà, F. (2017), Unmanned aircraft systems to unravel ...

Greenness Indices from a Low-Cost UAV Imagery as Tools for Monitoring Post-Fire Forest Recovery
Larrinaga, A.R.; Brotons, L. Greenness Indices from a Low-Cost UAV Imagery as Tools for Monitoring Post-Fire Forest Recovery. Drones 2019, 3, 6. https://www.mdpi.com/2504-446X/3/1/6 ...

Calibrating the Severity of Forest Defoliation by Pine Processionary Moth with Landsat and UAV Imagery
Otsu, K., Pla, M., Vayreda, J., & Brotons, L. (2018). Calibrating the Severity of Forest Defoliation by Pine Processionary Moth ...

Potential of UAV images as ground-truth data for burn severity classification of Landsat imagery: approaches to an useful product for post-fire management
Pla, M.; Duane, A.; Brotons, L. (2017). Potencial de las imágenes UAV como datos de verdad terreno para la clasificación ...